MIT BCS 9.016: Introduction to Sound, Speech and Hearing

Graduate Course, Fall 2022, BCS, MIT, 2022


Dr. Satrajit Ghosh, Dr. Heidi Nakajima, Dr. Sunil Puria

Course Description:

Introduces students to the acoustics, anatomy, physiology, and mechanics related to speech and hearing. Focuses on how humans generate and perceive speech. Topics related to speech, explored through applications and challenges involving acoustics, speech recognition, and speech disorders, include acoustic theory of speech production, basic digital speech processing, control mechanisms of speech production and basic elements of speech and voice perception. Topics related to hearing include acoustics and mechanics of the outer ear, middle ear, and cochlea, how pathologies affect their function, and methods for clinical diagnosis. Surgical treatments and medical devices such as hearing aids, bone conduction devices, and implants are also covered.


As the teaching assisstant, I helped the students with the problem sets, graded the submissions, held recitation and office hours, guided them in their final class project and presentation.